@article{oai:pu-toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000171, author = {広瀬, 慎一 and HIROSE, Shinichi}, journal = {富山県立大学紀要, Bulletin of Toyama Prefectural University}, month = {Mar}, note = {富山県東部の新川地域においては,新川広域営農団地が設定され,地域の基幹農道として昭和47年から平成7年にかけて新川地域農道が建設された。本論では,まず新川地域農道をはじめ地域の既設の幹線道路が当初計画以上に利用されていること,および富山県内の他の地域に比べて新川地域の道路整備水準が低いことを明らかにした。次に新川地域における近年の農業交通および一般交通の変化要因を分析し,地域における新たな幹線農道の必要性を説いた。これらの作業をもとに新川広域営農団地の中央部に北陸新幹線に並行する新たな広域農道を提案し,その有用性を明らかにした。最後に新たな広域農道に関していくつかの観点から特色ある利用上の提案を行った。, With the start of the Niikawa Wide-area Farming Development in the eastern part of Toyama Prefecture, the Niikawa Wide-area Farm Road was constructed as one of the trunk roads for the area from 1972 through 1995. In this paper I have shown that trunk roads traversing the area, including the Niikawa wide-area farm road, are used far more than they were designed to be and that road-network coverage as a whole for the area is still far lower than for the rest of the prefecture. I have also analyzed several factors contributing to recent trends for growth in both farming-related traffic and non-agricultural traffic in the area. These results obviously call for the construction of a new wide-area farm road across the area. I have proposed that this new trunk road be constructed across the central part of the area for the reason stated in the relevant section and suggested some specific ways in which they could be put to effective use., 10, KJ00000190566}, pages = {72--83}, title = {〓}, volume = {12}, year = {2002}, yomi = {ヒロセ, シンイチ} }