@article{oai:pu-toyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000277, author = {広瀬, 慎一 and 北川, 祐紀 and HIROSE, Shinichi and KITAGAWA, Yuki}, journal = {富山県立大学紀要, Bulletin of Toyama Prefectural University}, month = {Mar}, note = {玄手川は、庄川扇状地の扇端に位置し、地域の農業用排水路として利用されているだけでなく、豊富な湧水があるので、貴重な水生植物が生息している。水路底の改修にあたっては、維持管理と生態系保全の両面に配慮した近自然工法が採用された。施工後、中流部の延長800mで、堆砂と水草についてモニタリングを行った。堆砂量全体は経年的に減少し、また区間別では下流に行くにしたがって少ない傾向にある。植被率は施工後5・6年で施工前の極相状態にまで回復し、その後も維持されている。しかし、優占種であるナガエミクリの率は堆砂と同様下流に行くに従って少ない傾向にある。ナガエミクリと堆砂量とは、相関があるように思われる。いずれにしても、近自然工法の施工後11年経過した今は、植被率については施工前の状態を維持しており、堆砂量は年々変化しているが、ナガエミクリを除き植生全体には大きな影響を与えてはいない。, The Gente River is a 3km-long stream used as a drainage canal, flowing north down the northernmost part of the Shogawa alluvial fan. The stream is fairly clean thanks to an abundant supply of effluent seepage and abounds in aquatic animals and plants. For rehabilitation of its weeds-rampant soil riverbed, an eco-friendly construction design was adopted for the dual benefit of facilitating waterweeds control and minimizing resultant damage to aquatic life. After the rehabilitation, choosing an 800m-long reach of the canal as our research target, we tracked the gradual restoration of waterweeds and sedimentation in the canal. One finding was that the sediments decreased over time, and that the lower the locations in the target reach of the river, the less the sediments. On the other hand, the waterweeds over the canal bed were found to have restored their pre-rehabilitation coverage rates several years after the construction to the extent that they had regained the status of a climax community. Yet another finding was that the lower the locations, the lower the coverage rates of the Sparganium japonicum, the predominant species. This seems to show that there is some relationship between the volumes of the sediments down the stream and the growth of Sparganium japonica. However, the fact remains that the waterweeds as a whole have restored and maintains pre-rehabilitation coverage rates now 11 years after the construction. Moreover, changes in the volumes of the sediments over the years do not seem to have made much difference to the aquatic plant community, except for Sparganium japonica., 12, KJ00005113481}, pages = {84--90}, title = {近自然水路工法における堆砂と水草の再生}, volume = {18}, year = {2008}, yomi = {ヒロセ, シンイチ and キタガワ, ユウキ} }